Select all checkboxes or radio buttons

From time to time I have had clients ask if there is a way to select all checkboxes in the translation editor or all radio buttons in the WPML -> Settings -> Custom Fields section. Although there is not a way to do this in the WPML interface, here is a little workaround.

When using the translation editor, if you would like to select all checkboxes so that you can mark all as complete, open up your browser console and add this in the Console:

jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(“.icl_tm_finished”).attr(“checked”, “checked”); });

Then, hit enter and check one box on the page. This should select all boxes.

Similarly, to set all custom fields to a specific value on WPML -> Settings -> Custom Fields, add this in the browser console:

jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(‘[value=”3″]’).attr(‘checked’,true); });

Here, the value 3 sets all fields to Copy Once. You can adjust this value as needed for Copy, Translate, Don’t Translate, etc.

Just a little tidbit that I hope you find helpful 🙂