Add Generic Field Data to CRED Notification Body

add_filter('cred_body_notification_codes', 'cb_problema_placeholder', 10, 1);
function cb_problema_placeholder($defaultPlaceHolders) {
return array_merge($defaultPlaceHolders, array('%%Problema%%' => $_REQUEST['Problema']));

Add this code to your theme’s functions.php file. This code actually does followings:

– Adds ‘cred_body_notification_codes’ filter to the filters queue. This filter is defined by CRED to render default placeholders.

– It takes a parameter and passes the array of existing placeholders (defined by CRED).

– All we need to add our own %%Problema%% placeholder and render it accordingly. This what it does within the callback function ‘cb_problema_placeholder’.

– During this addition, it grabs the generic field’s value from standard $_REQUEST super global array.

You can do the same with Subject Field also. Remember to use ‘cred_subject_notification_codes’ filter, just like below.