[+] Make a static price text in the page builder / Customiser change as per the user currency

A scenario where a client wanted the currency conversion to work on a Pagebuilder text widget /module. Let’s take for example the client has a text  Shipping starts from $50  added using WP bakery text module and expected $50 to reflect the conversion rate based on the site currency or switched by the user.
Add this code to theme functions.php

<pre>add_shortcode( ‘wcml_price’, ‘wcml_price_func’ );
function wcml_price_func( $atts ) {
extract (shortcode_atts( array(
‘price’ => ”,

), $atts ));

$price = apply_filters( ‘wcml_formatted_price’, $price );
return $price;


Usage:  the shortcode [wcml_price price=”50″] in the text module as Shipping starts from [wcml_price price=”50″]
Caveat: This works only with the WCML > Multicurrey, is set up with conversion rates, Cannot be used for manual secondary pricing