Customise permitted image file types in CRED form

By default a Types image custom field added to a CRED form will accept the following file types to upload:


When the form markup is printed the data-attribute used to declare the list of allowable extensions passes through a filter which can be used to modify it, provided you have the CRED form id, which in the example code is 107.

Add the following to functions.php

add_filter('wptoolset_forms_field_js_validation_data_cred_form_107_1', 'set_image_types', 99, 1);
function set_image_types( $params ) {

	if ( isset($params['extension']) ) {

		$params['extension']['args'][0] = "jpeg|jpg|png";
		$params['extension']['message'] = "You can only add jpeg, jpg, or png images";
	return $params;

You can customise the list of allowed file extensions, and the message.

Note that you may run into issues if you try to add a file extension which WordPress itself restricts (not tested).

How to set a Access group to a post which is submitted by CRED

The Post stores the Access Custom Group as a meta field (custom post field)

You can update your Post using WordPress and CRED API, by addressing the hidden Custom Field Key:

The Value is the name you gave to the group, prefixed with


So you can use a cred_save_data action, with update_post_meta

Apply this code on the CRED you are using and every new posts will have the proper (coded by you) Access group stored.

add_action('cred_save_data', 'my_save_data_action',10,2);
function my_save_data_action($post_id, $form_data)
    // if a specific form
    if ($form_data['id']==91)//Change to your CRED Form ID you use
        $user = wp_get_current_user(); //We get the current user data
         if ( in_array( 'administrator', (array) $user->roles ) ) { //My example checks for admins. You can use any Custom Role as well here
           update_post_meta($post_id,'_wpcf_access_group','wpcf-custom-group-1584797355f2d242ba5c8c879e748829');//We update the metafield for the post created, and pass the correct Access Group ID. This is the value you need to find in the database.
        else {//something else if above is not true


Relevant Documentation:

Display only parent items of the current user in CRED parent picker

By default CRED parent Picker lets you choose from all available parent Posts.
This snippet lets you populate the picker with only the parent posts of the current logged in user

This is how the CRED parent Picker field HTML has to look:

<div class="cred-group cred-group-parents">
  <div class="cred-field cred-field-_wpcf_belongs_page_id">//change "page" to your parent post slug
    <label class="cred-label">
      Choose Parent
    <input type="hidden" id="parents_id" value="[get-parents]" /> This is only for test display: [get-parents]
      [cred_field field='_wpcf_belongs_page_id' value='']//change "page" to your Parent Post Slug

This is the JS that has to be inserted to the CRED JS Editor

var post_parents = jQuery('#parents_id').val();
var arr = post_parents.split(',');
  jQuery("[name=_wpcf_belongs_page_id] > option").each(function() { //change "page" to your parent post slug
    var option_val = jQuery(this).val();
     if( jQuery.inArray(option_val, arr) == -1 && option_val != -1 ){

And this is the function to put into functions.php of your Theme

function get_parents($atts) {
    global $current_user;
    $author_query = array('post_type' => 'page', 'posts_per_page' => '-1','author' => $current_user->ID,); //change page to your parent post slug 
    $author_posts = new WP_Query($author_query);
    $parent_ids = "";
    while($author_posts->have_posts()) : $author_posts->the_post();
        $parent_ids .= get_the_ID() .",";
    return $parent_ids;
add_shortcode('get-parents', 'get_parents');

It is recommended to use Views with this and register the ShortCode in Views > Compatibility

Evaluate if product is bought by user

This shortcode evaluates if a certain (logged in) user has bought a certain (current in loop) product. The WooCommerce function seems buggy and some attention is needed. Check the code first to see if it is still working with the workaround.


add_shortcode('wpv-product-purchased', 'wpv_product_purchased_func');
function wpv_product_purchased_func($atts){
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$email = $current_user->email;
return (wc_customer_bought_product( $email, $current_user->ID, get_the_ID()));

Register this shortcode in Views > Settings:


Then evaluated as this:



The function of WooCommerce itself is returning a error, and the ShortCode works as expected, although it returns a numerical value “1” for bought and a empty value “” for not bought, not a boolean “true” or “false” as stated by WooCommerce.

This might be a Bug in their code or misunderstanding on my end reading the Core code of WooCommerce, and it could therefore change in future.

Assign a Content Template with CRED depending on Taxonomy

This CRED submit_complete hook allows you to assign a certain Content Template to a new Post (or edited) depending on the Taxonomy term assigned to the Post.

You can extend the if/elseif with more terms and taxonomies if you like
The Content Template is hardcoded, but could be extended to a $variable, it just does not make much sense

function my_success_action($post_id, $form_data) {
    // if a specific form
    if ($form_data['id']==ID){ //replace ID with actual CRED ID
            $ct_one = ID;//replace ID with the Content template ID
            $ct_two = ID;//replace ID with the Content template ID
            if (has_term( 'your-term', 'your-taxonomy', $post_id )){
                update_post_meta($post_id, '_views_template', $ct_one);     
            elseif (has_term( 'your-second-term', 'your-taxonomy', $post_id )) {
                update_post_meta($post_id, '_views_template', $ct_two);  
add_action('cred_submit_complete', 'my_success_action',10,2);

Custom logout Link

Adds a simple Logout Link with BootsTrap Style as a ShortCode to your System. Make sure to register it in Views previous to usage.

/** Custom Logout Shortcode
 function custom_logout_link_func() {
            $return = wp_logout_url();?>
            <a href="<?php echo $return; ?>" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs btn-block" role="button">Logout</a>
    add_shortcode('logout_link', 'custom_logout_link_func');

Count Post amount per user

 *Count posts of given type, so each user can create post only once
function u_post_count() {
    $user_post_count = count( get_posts( array( 
    'post_type' => 'your_post_type', 
    'author'    => get_current_user_id(), 
) ) );
    return $user_post_count;

It will count all Posts of the current logged in user.
Make sure to define the Post type in 'post_type'
It returns a numeric count.

Hide every page but one if user is not logged in

This snippet allows “Members only” sites.

It redirects always to a custom PHP template (noaccess) if the user is not logged in, and obviously it will NOT redirect anywhere if the User access the custom template (noaccess).

Other wise a infinite loop would be generated.

 *Used to redirect if not logged in

function admin_redirect() {
    if ( !is_page('noaccess') && ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
        wp_redirect( home_url('/noaccess/') );
add_action('get_header', 'admin_redirect');