CRED Multi checkbox frontend (Javascript , jQuery) validation

I have added a Types multicheckboxes field and want to add two custom validations to this field:
–The first one is to make the field required
–The second one is to force the client to select maximum two checkboxes

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
\This adds the validation method to our API so that CRED can recognize it
    jQuery.validator.addMethod("maxselections", function(value, element, param) {
                                var element_name = jQuery(element).attr('name');
                                return (jQuery('input[name="' + element_name + '"]:checked').length !=0 &&jQuery('input[name="' + element_name + '"]:checked').length <= param[1]);
\This adds the validations methods as attributes on the element itself.                               
    jQuery('input[name="wpcf-postscheckboxesfield[]"]').attr('data-wpt-validate', '{}')
        .data('wpt-validate', {
          maxselections: {
            args: {
              1: 2
            message: 'You have to choose at least 1, maximum two items'

Validations on WP native fields in a CRED User form

Validation and Required field option should work at once in CRED User form for native WP Fields (e.g. Last Name), same as builtin CRED validation style.

1. Add this code in your theme’s or child theme’s functions.php file:

add_filter('cred_filter_field_before_add_to_form', 'required_fields_func', 10, 2);
function required_fields_func($field, $computed_values){
    if(in_array($field['id'], array('last_name', 'adresse'))){
        $field['data']['validate']['required'] = array ( 
            'active' => 1, 
            'value' => 1, 
            'message' => 'This field is required.'
        ) ;
    return $field;

— Make sure to replace ‘last_name’, ‘adresse’ with your field slugs on line #3
— You can modify the message text as needed in above code on line #7.

2. OR If you want to have JS validation, you can use this (modification will be needed):

Related Ticket:

RESET button for a Select Field only, in a CRED form

How to add Reset/Clear button for a Select Field only, in a CRED form?

1. Add this JS code in your CRED form >> JS editor section:

jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ){

2. Then use the below code in your CRED form, Reset button for the field, please replace field=’status’ with your field name and post=’book’ with your Custom Post Type:

<div class="form-group">
<label>Field Name</label>
[cred_field field='status' post='book' value='' urlparam='' class='form-control' output='bootstrap']

<button type="button" id="reset_select" value="Reset">Reset</button>