Posts Date older than, or not older than given date

With this small ShortCode you can compare the Views Post Date (returning “U” Timestamp) to any date in past or future.

It’s useful as example if you want to display a “NEW” Tag on posts that are not older than [given date or days]


function timestamp_in_past_shortcode($atts) {
$timestamp_in_past = strtotime('-1 Week');//here you can use any value
return $timestamp;
add_shortcode('date-in-past', 'timestamp_in_past_shortcode');

Then evaluate the above ShortCode against the Views ShortCode


Evaluate for recurring Date

This creates a ShortCode to use when Date CF (Timestamps) need to be evaluated by recurring dates, just as for Birthdays.

Create a CPT, associate a Date CF to it, list CPT in a View and see in the code how to evaluate.
Remember to Register the ShortCode in Views Settings.

function born_today_func( $atts ) {
        'birthday' => get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'wpcf-your_slug', true),
    ), $atts)
    if(((date('d', $birthday)) == date('d')) && (date('m', $birthday)) == date('m')){
        return 1;
        return 0;
add_shortcode( 'born-today', 'born_today_func' );

Evaluate like this in your view loop: