When outputting a numeric field there are no options to format according to requirements for thousands separator, decimal point, number of decimals, etc.
The following shortcode can be used to format a number (including where the number is output by a types shortcode):
add_shortcode('number-format', function ($atts = [], $content = null) { // provide defaults $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'places' => 2, 'decimal' => '.', 'thousand' => ',' ), $atts ); $output = ''; if ( isset( $content ) ){ $output = number_format( $content, $atts['places'], $atts['decimal'], $atts['thousand'] ); } return $output; });
For example, to output a number in the format “23.987,82” you would use
[number-format places='2' decimal=',' thousand='.']23987.82[/number-format]
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