You can insert Query Filters for published or modified date which are good for fixed dates (e.g. since 1 January 2018) but less useful for relative ranges such as “published this week”.
The date_query argument in WP_Query allows for very flexible date comparisons, and a filter to only include posts updated in the last 48 hours for example can be applied using the wpv_filter_query API filter like so:
function tssupp_filter_query($view_args, $view_settings, $view_id) { $view_ids = array( 123, 456 ); // Edit for View IDs to apply to if ( in_array($view_id, $view_ids) ) { $view_args['date_query'] = array( 'after' => '48 hours ago', 'column' => 'post_modified' ); } return $view_args; } add_filter('wpv_filter_query', 'tssupp_filter_query', 101, 3);
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