The — not set — label for the first unselected option in a select field added to a Toolset Form cannot be changed in the UI, but can be changed with the following code that uses the wpt_field_not_set_option filter, like so:
/** * Replace the '--- not set ---' label of select fields in Toolset Forms */ function ts_update_notset( $not_set_value, $attributes, $data ){ $labels = array(); // Specify new labels for which select field, using wpcf- prefix and field slug $labels['wpcf-assignee'] = '-- Choose Assignee --'; $labels['wpcf-priority'] = '-- Set Priority --'; foreach ($labels as $key => $label) { if ( $key == $data['name'] ) { $not_set_value['#title'] = $label; } } return $not_set_value; } add_filter( 'wpt_field_not_set_option', 'ts_update_notset', 10, 3 );
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